Privacy Policy

Last updated

November 4, 2022

Cybersyn Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) describes the practices of Cybersyn, Inc. (“Cybersyn,” “we,” or “us”) for collecting, using, maintaining, disclosing, and otherwise processing (collectively, “Processing”) the information that we collect from you, as well as how we protect and secure your data. Please read this Policy carefully to understand our Processing of your information and how we will treat it.

We are a cloud-based data technology platform that makes data accessible and delivers data via the Snowflake Marketplace. We respect your privacy and we are committed to protecting your information.

This Policy generally applies to the information we Process. However, this Policy is subordinate to any specific terms and conditions set forth in any terms of use, end user license agreements, or other agreements you may have with us relating to a particular product, service, or data. This Policy does not reflect any policy or representation about any product or data we sell or distribute, only about information we Process from data we collect about you. 

Further, this Policy applies only to information we collect and Process. It does not apply to information collected, Processed, and shared with us by our customers, who may have their own privacy policies that apply to you. In other words, this Policy does not apply to information we Process on behalf of others. Under such circumstances, we serve merely as the processor of the information and will Process the data only as specifically authorized by our customer, the data controller. If you believe we are Processing your Personal Information on behalf of another, please contact the data controller directly to ask questions or exercise your rights.

1. How does Cybersyn collect information, and what information does it collect?

Cybersyn collects information from visitors to our website, We also collect information from the users of our products and services, including the Snowflake Data Marketplace. We will refer to all of Cybersyn’s products and services in this Policy as our “Products.” The categories and types of information we collect depend upon the purpose for which we collect them. For the purposes of our Policy, we will distinguish between:

  • “Personal Information,” which is information that can be used to identify, locate, or contact you, a natural person, as well as any other information about you that we may connect with Personal Information; and
  • Non-Personal Information,” which is information that does not identify you as a natural person and is not identifiable to you as a natural person, including, without limitation, information that we anonymize or aggregate in such a way that no natural person can be identified.

We collect certain information when you provide it to us:

  • To access and use a Product, you may be required to register for an account. When you register for an account, you will provide certain Personal Information, including your first and last name, email address, company name, telephone number, physical address, and username.
  • To request further details of our Products, such as when you use the contact us feature of our website, you will provide us with certain Personal Information including your first and last name, role (your job title), industry, company name, email address, and you also provide us with the details of your request.

We also collect certain information automatically. As you navigate through and interact with our website or Products, we may use “cookies,” which are small files placed on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device, and “web beacons,” which are small files located on pages of the website, each of which collect certain information about your equipment and web browser (such as browser type, browser language, and IP address), as well as browsing actions and browsing patterns (such as traffic data, location data and logs, page views, length of visit and website navigation paths). Information collected by the cookies and web beacons we use may consist of both Personal Information and, in the case of statistical, aggregated and anonymized information, Non-Personal Information. For more information on the cookies and web beacons we use, please see the section below.

2. Why does Cybersyn collect my Personal Information?

We collect and otherwise Process Personal Information for a variety of purposes, depending on the information being Processed. In particular, we Process Personal Information as necessary to perform under our contractual obligations to you, providing you with the Products you have purchased or accessed and Processing information as may be necessary to support you in their use. We also Process Personal Information given our legitimate interest in improving our products and services, enhancing customer experience, and identifying and marketing certain Products to you. Finally, we may Process Personal Information as necessary to comply with a legal obligation, or for other purposes we disclose when obtaining your consent.

In other words:

  • We Process the Personal Information you provide to us when you request further details of our Products from us to respond to your requests and your feedback, and to otherwise contact you about that request. Our legal basis for processing this Personal Information is our legitimate interest in fulfilling your request, or, as applicable, to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you.
  • We Process the Personal Information you provide when you access and use a Product to set up and maintain your customer account, allow you to interact with us online, and allow us to operate, maintain, and otherwise provide that Product to you. We also use your Personal Information provided in this way for our non-marketing or administrative purposes, such as notifying you of major changes to the website or the Product, or otherwise to provide you with customer service by resolving disputes, addressing complaints, and troubleshooting any technical problems encountered. Our legal basis for processing this Personal Information is the performance of the contract to which you are a party.
  • We also Process the Personal Information you provide when you request further details of our products, request an academic license, or access and use a product for the purpose of ensuring the security and integrity of our website and Products, including through the use of back-ups of our databases. Our legal basis for Processing this Personal Information is our legitimate interest in the proper administration and security of our website and Products.
  • We also Process the Personal Information you provide when you request further details of our products or access and use a product for the purpose of measuring and understanding the effectiveness of our Products and improving our Products. Our legal basis for Processing this Personal Information is our legitimate interest in maintaining and improving our Products to provide you with the best possible user experience.
  • We may use Personal Information you provide when you request further details of our Products, access or use the Products, or subscribe to a newsletter to communicate offers for products and services, including offers based on your interests and usage of our Products, and engage in other marketing activities that may be of interest to you. Our legal basis for processing this information is your consent to this Processing, which you may withdraw at any time by opting out of marketing communications. However, please note that we may have to retain certain Personal Information for the purposes we have described above, namely, to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you or to perform under a contract to which you are a party, as the case may be, as well as for our legitimate interests in maintain and improving our Products and providing you with the best possible user experience.
  • With respect to Personal Information collected through cookies or web beacons, we use this information for the purpose of analyzing the use of our websites and Products to improve their quality and design. Again, our legal basis for this Processing is providing you with the best possible user experience. We also use certain cookies for marketing purposes, subject to your right to opt out. Our legal basis for this Processing is our legitimate interest in marketing our Products. For more information on our cookies and web beacons practices, please see below.
  • Finally, may Process your Personal Information as otherwise necessary to (a) enforce our agreements and policies, (b) protect or defend our legal rights, (c) protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person, or (d) comply with a legal obligation.

With respect to Non-Personal Information, because this information does not identify you or any other natural person, we may Process it for any purpose. We expressly reserve the right to use Non-Personal Information to improve or develop our Products, create and publish reports, conduct statistical analyses, monitor industry trends, and otherwise engage in activities that do not result in the disclosure of identifiable information.

To be clear, we are committed to respecting your privacy and we will only Process your Personal Information for the purposes described here, and then only in the context of your relationship with us.

3. Will Cybersyn share my Personal Information with third parties?

Under certain circumstances we may share your Personal Information. These are as follows:

  • To provide you with certain Products, we may need to share your Personal Information with our third-party service providers who may Process certain Personal Information on our behalf. We ensure, through our due diligence and contractual restrictions, that any specific third party with whom we share your Personal Information will only have access to that Personal Information necessary to perform specific tasks on our behalf, will only use the Personal Information for this purpose, and will protect your Personal information at least to the same extent that we do.
  • We may be forced to share your Personal Information to comply with our legal obligations, such as to respond to a lawful subpoena request or other legal process. In the event we are asked to disclose your Personal Information, we will use reasonable efforts to both validate the request and provide you with prior notification of the disclosure, unless otherwise prohibited by law.
  • We may also have to disclose your Personal Information if necessary to (a) enforce our agreements and policies, including billing and collection matters, or (b) otherwise protect or defend our legal rights, including in the security and integrity of our website and Products.
  • We may disclose your Personal Information if needed to affect the sale or transfer of our assets, such as if we are involved in a merger or business transfer, or, in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

Again, we are committed to respecting your privacy and will only share your Personal Information for the purposes described here. If we need to share your Personal Information for a purpose not identified here, we will obtain your consent to do so and disclose this purpose at the time of obtaining your consent. We do not and have not sold, rented, or leased your Personal Information to others, for direct marketing purposes or otherwise.

4. How long will Cybersyn keep my Personal information?

We keep different kinds of Personal Information for different lengths of time, depending on the purpose for which it was Processed and your specific situation. In any event, we will retain your Personal Information as long as necessary to accomplish the relevant purpose, but no longer.

5. How does Cybersyn keep my Personal Information secure?

Taking into account the nature of the information gathered, we use commercially reasonable, industry standard administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to secure your Personal Information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration and disclosure. For example, all information you provide to us is encrypted and stored on our secured servers behind firewalls.

That said, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and other information used by you to access the website, Snowflake Marketplace, or use our Products.

6. What are my choices with respect to my information?

Your first choice is always to limit the information you provide.

Regarding cookies and other tracking technologies, you can manage these by adjusting the settings on your browser, commonly referred to as the browser’s “Do Not Track” settings.  All browsers are different, so you may need to visit the “help” section of your browser to learn more about cookie preferences and other privacy settings that may be available.  You can also manage how your mobile device and mobile browser share location information with us, as well as how your mobile browser handles cookies and related technologies by adjusting your mobile device privacy and security settings.  Please refer to instructions provided by your mobile service provider or the manufacturer of your device to learn more. Please also see the section on cookies and web beacons below.  

We comply with applicable law regarding your ability to access, correct, and delete your identifiable information. If you have an online account, you may be able to log into your account to access and update certain information provided.  For identifiable information that is not linked to an online account, please contact us directly at

For assistance with exercising your personal information choices, or if you have any questions about these choices, please contact us at


The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), particularly Articles 15 to 21, affords you a number of rights as a data subject. We encourage you to read and learn about those rights on your own, but the following will help you to begin to understand those rights.

  • Access: This allows you to request from us information about your personal information, including what data we have and how and why it is being processed.
  • Rectification: In the event that some or all of the personal information that we have concerning you is inaccurate, this gives you the right to have those inaccuracies rectified.
  • Erasure: In some cases, you may have the right to request that we erase your personal information in our possession.
  • Restriction of Processing: This gives you the right, in some circumstances, to have us process your personal information only with your consent.
  • Objection to Processing: Where we are processing your personal information on the grounds of its legitimate interests, or to carry out tasks in the public interest or to exercise official authority, you have a right to object to the processing on grounds relating to your particular situation. In cases where you object to our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, the processing will cease.
  • Data Portability: This allows you to request a copy of your personal information that it has on file and to transfer that information to someone else without any interference from us. In some cases, you may be able to request that we transfer your personal information directly to a third party on your behalf.

In addition, to the extent that we process any of your personal information on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing that was based on your consent before its withdrawal.

If you are a natural person residing in the EU and at any time you believe we have violated one of your rights listed above, or if you believe we are in violation of one or more of the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a Data Protection Authority. More information about the Data Protection Authorities can be found at

To make a request regarding any of these rights or to ask questions or provide comments about this Privacy Notice for EU residents, please contact us at


This notice does not apply to employment-related personal information collected from California-based employees, job applicants, contractors, or similar individuals. 

The California Consumer Privacy Act (the “CCPA”) affords those who reside in the State of California certain rights as a data subject.  If you are a resident of the State of California, we encourage you to read and learn about those rights on your own, but the following will help you to begin to understand them:

  • Access: You have the right to request that we disclose certain information to you about our collection and use of your personal information.
  • Erasure: In some cases, you may have the right to request that we erase your personal information in our possession. 
  • Data Portability: This allows you to request a copy of your personal information that we may have and transfer that information to someone else without any interference from us. In some cases, you may be able to request that we transfer your personal information directly to a third party on your behalf.
  • The CCPA further provides California residents the right to direct us not to sell your personal information. WE DO NOT SELL YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION.

We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CCPA rights. 

In addition, California’s “Shine the Light” law permits you to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes.

To make a request regarding any of these rights or to ask questions or provide comments about this Privacy Notice for California Residents, please contact us at


Cybersyn is headquartered in the United States of America. It and its authorized processors may transfer your information to the United States of America and access it from the United States of America for the purposes described in this Policy. We protect the privacy and security of Personal Information in the manner described in this Policy regardless of where it is collected, stored, accessed, or otherwise Processed.

7. Does Cybersyn collect the Personal Information of children?

No. We do not intend to collect any Personal Information from or identifying children under the age of 16. If you believe a child is providing us Personal Information, please contact us directly so we may investigate and delete it. 

8. Does this Policy ever change?

Yes. This Policy may change from time to time, as indicated by the “last updated” data above. Any updates or changes are effective immediately upon their posting on this page. We will post a notice on our website or send you an email notification of any changes we deem, in our reasonable discretion, to be material. Regardless, we encourage you to visit this page periodically and check.

9. How can I contact Cybersyn for more information?

We value your input and invite you to submit any inquiries, suggestions, or complaints by sending us an email at As noted above, to make a request authorized by law, please send your email to You may also contact us by mail, at:

Cybersyn, Inc.

Attn: Privacy

15 W 27th St

Ste 900

New York, NY 10011

Please know that we respect your rights, and these rights, including your right to make a complaint to the relevant authority, are not affected by your contacting us.

More About Cookies

You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of cookies. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of our site. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you log on to our site. You may learn more about opting out of advertising cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative page. If you would like further information about cookies and how to manage and delete them, please visit or

What types of cookies are used by Cybersyn?

Below is a list of the types of cookies and third party service providers currently used by Cybersyn but may not include all cookies or third party service providers. In addition, the below list of cookies and third party service providers is subject to change at any time.

We use our own products and services to analyze the user behavior within our Web site and our own products and services, to save user preferences, and to support authentication of users.

  • Google Analytics. We use Google Analytics to analyze the use of our Website. For more information about Google’s privacy practices, see here.